by U 4dmin W4ka | Jul 11, 2023 | News
FNX purchased the over 7,000-square-metre building with an additional capital injection of €2.4 million euros from the CycleØ group. [Bilbao, 11 July 2023] Spain has the potential to produce 120 TWh of biomethane by 2050 and become the third-largest biomethane...
by U 4dmin W4ka | Mar 21, 2022 | News
DUBLIN and LONDON, 21 March 2022 – Ara Partners (“Ara”), a private equity firm that specialises in industrial decarbonisation investments, today announced that it has partnered with Laurence Molke to create CycleØ Group Limited...
by U 4dmin W4ka | Dec 23, 2021 | News
DFB – PLAN 2I – PROYECTO BIOMETAN El proyecto “BIOMETAN – Biometano hacia una energía 100 renovable. Nuevos equipos de Upgranding de biogás onuragas” de expediente 6/12/2I/2020/00092 ha sido financiado por la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia dentro del Plan 2i de Promoción...